There is nothing less passive than the act of fleeing…
July 16, 2010
Together they followed non-directional lines of flight leading themselves somewhere that was nowhere, no time, unmarked, perceptibly present. If continuity had mattered, such incoherent utopian quasi-gestures of diffusion could have been terribly empty or sublimely full. Instead, they were.
From: caleb waldorf
Date: July 16, 2010 2:00:06 PM GMT+02:00
sorry to not reply sooner. bit crazed with getting this dinner pulled off.
so to answer both your emails:
The link for the project is:
The link to the AAAAARG issue is:
The project/list organizers are:
Organized by Sean Dockray, Caleb Waldorf and Fiona Whitton
There are photos here:
and here:
(If you wait till tmr there will be photos from all 13 days!)
Anything else?! see you tonight!

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